How To Manifest Your Wants and a Healthy Environment: 10 Proven Methods
You’ve probably heard the old adage, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. While it may seem like an oversimplification, there is some truth to this statement. Every single thing we want in life was once only an idea – but if we don’t clarify these ideas and work to turn them into reality, they will never manifest, and we’ll always be stuck with the status quo.
Your environment has a huge impact on your health. This includes everything from the air quality to the furniture in the space. If you want to manifest your wants, you will need to create an environment that is conducive for success. It's not just about what's going on around you, it's also about how you feel internally. The mind and body are connected so if your surroundings make you feel good, it will reflect outwards onto the world around you. Below are ten ways to improve your surroundings in order to help with this goal of self-improvement.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization is one of the most powerful ways to manifest your wants. When you can envision what you want in your mind, it's much easier to make it happen in reality. Try visualizing every day for a few minutes about what you want to achieve. You'll notice that soon enough, these dreams will become reality! Focus on them each time you think of them. Keep in mind, the more time and effort you put into making them come true, the faster they'll come true. For those who don't believe in visualization or The Secret, consider the placebo effect. The placebo effect is when patients are given fake medicine, but their symptoms subside because they expect it to work.
The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. In order to manifest your wants, it's important to have an environment that supports them. Here are some tips for creating this environment - Eliminate bad habits like smoking and eating junk food.
- Avoid environments with things you don't want in them like people who make you feel bad, events that make you anxious, etc.
- Spend time with people who make you feel good (think happy thoughts around them).
- Focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. For example, if you want a job but you're out of work, visualize yourself getting interviews and receiving offers from prospective employers. You may find this difficult at first but if you stick with it, over time your thoughts will change accordingly, and the Law of Attraction will take effect.
- Visualize your life as if it has already happened. What does your perfect day look like? How do you spend your free time? What clothes do you wear? What foods do you eat?
- If you're struggling with something that's not going well, ask yourself What am I attracting? Often, we attract something when we worry about it and then worry some more. By changing our thoughts, we can attract different outcomes.
- Remember the law of attraction is all about vibration so be sure to think only uplifting thoughts!
The Importance of Gratitude
Gratitude is the practice of counting your blessings. It can help you live with an attitude of abundance, while acknowledging that there are many people in this world who don't have what you do.
If you want to manifest what you want into your life, it's important to maintain a healthy environment. One way to do this is by practicing gratitude on a daily basis. You might say thank you out loud for ten things each day; write down at least three things for which you're grateful; or keep a journal where you write about all of the things that went well each day. You could also focus on one thing every day and be grateful for it. All these methods serve as reminders to appreciate what we already have so we can manifest more positive outcomes in our lives.
Ask the Universe for What You Want
The best way to manifest your wants is to ask the universe for what you want. The universe always provides us with what we need, so it is only logical that if we ask for something, then the universe will provide it.
The best way to do this is by writing down everything you are grateful for in your life. This can include anything from being healthy, or having a roof over your head, or having an amazing friend. You don't need to be too specific, just keep going until you're done. Once you've written down everything that makes you happy about your life, say thank you out loud and seal the letter up in an envelope addressed to yourself and place it somewhere safe. Every day when you wake up, find the letter again and read through all of these things that make your life great.
Be Specific in Your Desires
#1- Identify what you want to manifest. What do you want to manifest? Write it down. Be specific about what it is that you are looking for so that your subconscious can have an easier time finding it in the universe.
#2- Visualize what you want to manifest. Take some time every day to visualize what you would like your desired manifestation to look like when it arrives into your life. Imagine the smells, sounds, sights, tastes, and feelings associated with this experience. Allow yourself to get lost in this moment as if it were already happening now. As you take these deep breaths and allow your body to relax, feel confident knowing that what you’re imagining is on its way right now.
Let Go of Negative Energy
One of the best ways to manifest your wants is by letting go of negative energy. Negative energy is just that, negative. It can be hard to let go of, but once you do, you'll feel lighter and more open to new possibilities in life. Try some of these tactics to help yourself let go:
-Pretend you're holding something heavy in your hand. Letting it go feels amazing because the weight is gone! Remember what felt so good about being free from negativity? Now imagine feeling like that all the time! That's how you'll feel after you've let go of the negative energy. You won't have to worry about carrying around any extra baggage; instead, you'll have more space for your wants to come into fruition in your life. -Write down everything you need to let go of on paper or an app like Evernote. Make sure to include every little detail, whether it seems silly or not. Once you're done writing, read through everything one last time and think about how lighthearted you will feel when there are no longer any worries weighing on your shoulders.
-Repeat affirmations out loud several times a day—especially at the beginning of each day—about what feels right for you at this moment. I am grateful for my health. I am happy with my relationships. Every day I get better and better. Feel free to come up with your own affirmations as well. The idea here is to find phrases that work for you, so keep experimenting until you find those magic words!
Raise Your Vibration
Raising your vibration is an all-encompassing process. It includes taking care of your mental, emotional, physical, as well as spiritual health. The idea behind this is that if you take care of all these aspects of yourself you will be in alignment with the universe and therefore more likely to achieve what it is you want.
Read Self-Help Books: Reading self-help books can help teach you how to manifest your wants while at the same time helping you through other parts of your life.
Write Down What You Want Daily: Writing down what you want every day is another way to help manifest what you want. If you have something specific in mind, then write about it. If not, write about anything that may come up for you throughout the day. Doing so will help clarify things for you as well as make them clearer for others to see. For example, if I had wanted to buy a new car but didn't know which one to get, I could go on social media or even ask my friends and family which car they would recommend. I should also keep track of any thoughts I have on cars throughout the day. Once I start noticing certain cars more than others, then I can assume those are cars that resonate with me. By doing this over time, it should give me a clear idea of which car to buy next.
Learn How to Receive and Recognize Good Luck: Learning how to receive good luck is important because, no matter what you do, good luck won't find you if you're not looking for it. All people have access to luck; some people just need to learn how to recognize when it's coming their way. Think back to when good things happened unexpectedly in your life--what were the events that led up to those moments? Were you listening to music? Were you reading something inspiring? Were you hanging out with someone who brings out the best in you? These are all ways that we open ourselves up to good luck.
Meditate on Your Intentions
Meditating on your intentions is a great way to manifest what you want. Just set aside some time each day, close your eyes, and focus on what you want in life. Don't get too specific though; the universe wants to help, but it doesn't know what you need. It's more important to spend your time focusing on the feeling of having already received what you desire. This is one powerful technique that can help you manifest more easily. Keep in mind that not all requests will be fulfilled. You may still experience some challenges along the way, so don't let those stop you from continuing to request what you want from the universe!
Think About What You Want: Writing down your thoughts is another great way to release them into the universe. Even if they are crazy and outlandish, write them down anyways. You never know, this could be the wish that finally comes true.
Visualize What You Desire: Similar to meditating on your intention, visualization helps bring you closer to your goal.
Take Inspired Action
The best way to manifest your wants and needs is to take inspired action. You can't just sit around thinking about what you want and expect it to happen. Take inspired action! Below are ten proven methods for manifestation...
1) Prayer - Developing a relationship with God (or whatever higher power that you believe in) is the best way to make sure that your life reflects the desires of your heart. Pray in thanksgiving every day, pray in gratitude before every meal, pray when confronted with difficult situations, pray when things go well, and give thanks even more often than all those other times. When people get really spiritual then they start seeing their prayers answered more easily and quickly because prayer helps create alignment with the divine.
2) Positive Affirmations - Not only do positive affirmations get you thinking about what you want, but they also activate all seven of your senses. When you say something over and over again, it becomes real in your mind. Start saying to yourself every day, I am prosperous! I am successful! I deserve good things! I am happy now! I can trust that my wishes will come true! Even if you don't feel like these statements apply at first, keep repeating them until they do. These words have the power to change your whole life around. If you are having trouble believing these statements now, imagine how much better you will feel after a few weeks or months of daily affirmation practice. It's not an overnight miracle, but it does work wonders. Remember, you need to keep taking action too; faith without works is dead so remember to always do your part as well!
3) Visualization - Visualize who you want to be, what you want out of life, and where you want to live; this is one of the most powerful ways to manifest things into reality. All you have to do is spend 15 minutes every day visualizing your perfect future. Fill in as many details as possible, everything from what clothes you'll wear to what type of car you drive. Keep picturing this scene until it feels real enough that doing so no longer takes any conscious effort on your behalf. Then watch closely-you might find some interesting synchronicities start happening in your everyday life soon after. With a little patience, you can create your own destiny in ways that you never thought possible. You can become the person you've always wanted to be. You can enjoy the life that you were meant to enjoy. And, as long as you never stop striving, it's all possible.
4) Create your vision board – A vision board is essentially just a collection of pictures and words that represent what you want to attract into your life. Start with just one sheet of paper—you can always add to it later on. And be sure to include things that are personally meaningful so they resonate with you on a deeper level. Take some time every day to look at your vision board and remind yourself of what you’re working toward.
5) Gratitude Practice - One of the most rewarding paths to happiness is practicing gratitude. This practice is all about being thankful for the good that you already have in your life, whether it is material goods, emotional satisfaction, spiritual connection, or family members. There are plenty of opportunities for finding things to be grateful for, and the more you focus on these good things, the more they will increase in your life.
6) Appreciation - Appreciation is about acknowledging all that you have in your life, whether it is material goods, emotional satisfaction, spiritual connection, or family members. It may seem tough at first, but when you make it a habit, you'll notice your life getting richer and fuller.
7) Meditation Practice - Meditating clears the mind and allows for peace of mind. Sometimes all we need to do is take ten minutes out of our busy days to clear our minds and meditate. A little bit of time spent with ourselves can go a long way toward helping us get closer to fulfilling our dreams and goals. But don't worry if you're not able to set aside that much time each day--even taking five minutes out of each hour can be helpful!
8) Self-Care Practice - As much as self-care is vital for success, it often gets put on the back burner because we feel guilty about taking time for ourselves. That guilt needs to go away! Self-care should always be a top priority because without self-care, how can we hope to provide selfless acts of service? Our bodies are temples and shouldn't ever be neglected.
9) Journaling Practice - What better way to tell your story than by writing down your thoughts? Journaling is a great way to keep your life organized and in perspective. Journaling can also help you discover new aspects of yourself, process difficult emotions, and even reconnect with old friends. All you have to do is write for 10 minutes a day, every day, and see what unfolds.
10) Surround yourself with people who support your goals - Most of us have at least one person in our lives who is constantly putting us down or telling us that we can't achieve our dreams. It may be your mother, father, best friend, significant other... whoever it is, you need to remove that person, and this comes from your heart. They do not mean well when they say something hurtful to you. They are conservative in their views and can only see things their way. If you find yourself having to defend your position too many times, this is a sign that you need to change your environment.
Create an environment where you feel supported. Speak up for what you believe in and surround yourself with like-minded people. They are everywhere and you deserve nothing less than an environment where everything is possible.
Author: J.R. Cooper - Spiritual Coach